NCHCA - National Capital Heavy Construction Association
National Capital Heavy Construction Association
Grow your business! Only members have access to NCHCA’s great advertising and sponsorship opportunities.
Spend time with industry colleagues at NCHCA’s great professional and social networking events.
Shape the future of the industry and advance its interests by adding your voice as a member.
NCHCA’s annual Education Series, the only industry event where industry, City staff and consulting engineers spend time together in an informal setting.
NCHCA’s Bursary Program, available to all members and their families.
Benefit from recruitment and retention strategies and support
Advance industry’s relations with the City of Ottawa by participating in NCHCA’s monthly Liaison meetings.
Attend NCHCA Health & Safety Committee meetings for up-to-date health and safety information.
Contribute to the work of NCHCA’s Committees to develop industry resources and provide input, feedback and perspective to the City of Ottawa on its initiatives, programs and processes.